Three Little Pigs BBQ omáčka Three Little Pigs Carolina Style, 524 g

Three Little Pigs BBQ omáčka Three Little Pigs Carolina Style, 524 g


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This is South Carolina-style barbecue sauce. This means that it is vinegar and mustard based, as opposed to the ketchup and molasses-based sauces of the Midwest and southwest. The combination of sweet and tangy flavors brings out the absolute best in grilled or smoked pork or chicken.

Sweet and tangy flavors bring out the best in pork or chicken.

Ingredients: Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Brown Sugar, Tomato Paste, Distilled Vinegar, Sugar, Salt, Garlic and Onion Powder, Spices, Citric Acid, Dehydrated Onion, Worcestershire Sauce

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Three Little Pigs


524 g

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